Kelmann Helps Clean Popular Local Trail

At Kelmann, we’re always glad to do our part to give back to the community.

The Hank Aaron State Trail is a popular local destination that runs for ten miles along Milwaukee’s Menomonee River. The trail provides important opportunities for recreation and fitness for bicyclists, walkers, runners, and skaters in the area.

Such a lengthy and frequently traveled path requires regular maintenance and upkeep. That’s why we jumped at the opportunity to become a “Stew-Crew” (stewardship crew) for the trail, taking responsibility for helping to keep the trail in great shape. As a part of our stewardship responsibilities, a group of volunteers from our company and the surrounding community get together on a regular basis to do general maintenance in the area and on the trail itself.

Season kickoff

During our recent cleanup event kicking off the 2013 season, around 20 participants showed up—15 of them Kelmann employees and their families, and the rest from the wider community. During our time on the trail we removed weeds that had begun to grow on the path, picked up trash that had been left behind by visitors and been blown around by the wind, and in general helped to keep the area a clean and safe recreation destination for families and individuals in the area.

This was only the first of many cleanup events we will be holding on a regular basis during the non-winter months.

Service in the community

Besides helping to keep the trail clean, Kelmann actively participates in events put on by the state trail every year. In the past, we’ve participated in Spring River cleanup events, events dedicated to planting new life along the trail, and a 5k Run/Walk. At Kelmann Restoration, we are dedicated to keeping our community a great home for all.

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